We offer a more flexible way to look for or manage your properties
Properties Online
With our partners, we offer a flexible way to access to many properties anywhere and everywhere without any fees
Handy and Free App
We do care about user experience, that's why we provide you a free-to-use app and its built-in and handy dashboard.
At eboodoo, we prioritize your online privacy and security. That's why we support the rights of individuals and consumers online at all times.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is eboodoo?
We are a web platform for promoting and connecting different players (clients, real estate developers, service providers, etc.) in the real estate field.
Are the displayed properties yours ?
The properties displayed on our platform are the exclusive property of the agent who added and published them.
However, we make considerable efforts to ensure that the information displayed on our platform is fair, verified and contestable.
Is there a cost to use the app?
Using eboodoo is completely free. Since the creation of your user and agent accounts, you pay nothing. This means that you can add properties with your normal agent account.
However, some advanced features are only reserved for Premium agent accounts.
How do I access my user space?
To access your user space, you must first have a valid account on eboodoo. Once this is complete, please click on your name or profile photo in the navigation bar and finally Dashboard.
Account vérification
We need to ensure that the email address you provided is correct and currently valid.
To do this, please click on the link that was sent to you by email immediately after registering. You can request a new link if the previous one has expired or you haven't received it yet.
Registration / Login
If you are not connected to the platform, instead of your name or your profile photo you will see a My Account button.
By clicking on the My account button, you will be asked to enter your identifiers (email address and password) in order to log in.
If you do not yet have an account with us, you should then click on I do not have an account or Create an account then provide the various information requested.
Need help ?
In your User Space, you will find a Help tab which presents you with a set of usage instructions to make it easier for you to get started with the platform.
However, if you would like specific assistance, you can also contact our support team who will respond to you as soon as possible.
How to contact us ?
You can contact us using our contact form.
Our support team will respond to you as soon as possible.
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Liste de toutes les catégories
Veuillez selectionner une catégorie pour voir les propriétés associées